Why You Should Use Cursors to Iterate Over Large Datasets in Redis

Managing large datasets in Redis can be challenging, especially when it comes to efficiently retrieving or deleting data. Using cursors to iterate over these datasets provides a robust solution that balances performance and resource usage. In this blog post, we'll explore why using cursors with the SCAN command is crucial for handling large datasets in Redis.

Understanding the Challenge

Redis is a high-performance in-memory data store, but operations on large datasets can be resource-intensive. Running commands like KEYS on large datasets can block the server, leading to performance degradation and potential downtime. This is where cursors and the SCAN command come into play.

What is a Cursor in Redis?

A cursor is a mechanism used to traverse large datasets incrementally. The SCAN command in Redis uses a cursor to return a small subset of keys at a time, allowing you to process large datasets without overwhelming the server.

Benefits of Using Cursors

Non-Blocking Operations: The SCAN command with a cursor is non-blocking, meaning it allows other operations to continue while iterating over the dataset. This is crucial for maintaining high availability and performance.

Incremental Processing: By processing a small number of keys at a time, you can manage memory and CPU usage more effectively. This incremental approach reduces the risk of server overload.

Scalability: Cursors enable you to scale your operations, whether you're processing a few thousand keys or millions. The incremental nature of cursors makes it feasible to handle large datasets efficiently.

Flexibility: The SCAN command supports pattern matching and allows you to specify the number of keys returned per iteration. This flexibility helps optimize performance based on your specific use case.

How to Use Cursors with SCAN in Redis

Here's a practical example of using a cursor to iterate over and delete keys matching a specific pattern in Redis.

Bash Script Example


# Initialize cursor to zero

# Debug: show initial cursor
echo "Initial cursor: $cursor"

# Loop until the cursor returned by the SCAN command is 0
while [ "$cursor" != "0" ]; do
    # Debug: Show current cursor before SCAN
    echo "Current cursor before scan: $cursor"

    # Use SCAN to get keys. Adjust the count as necessary to optimize performance.
    output=$(redis-cli SCAN $cursor MATCH "route:*" COUNT 100)

    # Debug: Output from SCAN
    echo "Scan output: $output"

    # Extract new cursor
    cursor=$(echo "$output" | head -1)

    # Extract keys and delete them
    keys=$(echo "$output" | sed '1d' | tr '\n' ' ')
    if [ ! -z "$keys" ]; then
        echo "Deleting keys: $keys"
        redis-cli DEL $keys
        echo "No keys to delete."

echo "Completed deleting keys matching pattern route:corrida:*."


Using cursors to iterate over large datasets in Redis is an essential technique for efficient data management. The SCAN command, coupled with cursors, ensures non-blocking, incremental processing, making it suitable for handling large volumes of data without compromising performance. By adopting this approach, you can maintain a high-performing, scalable Redis environment.