When to Use Exception and Throwable in PHP: A Comprehensive Guide

Error handling is a critical aspect of any programming language, and PHP provides a robust system through the Exception and Throwable interfaces. Understanding the difference between these two and knowing when to use them is essential for building reliable and scalable PHP applications.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the distinctions between Exception and Throwable, explore practical use cases for each, and provide guidelines on how to use them effectively in your PHP projects.

Overview: Exception vs. Throwable in PHP

In PHP, both Exception and Throwable are used to represent errors and exceptional conditions, but they serve slightly different purposes.

Exception: This is the primary class used to represent errors that occur during the execution of your code. It is an object that encapsulates details about the error, such as the message and the stack trace. You catch exceptions using try-catch blocks, making it easier to handle specific issues that occur within a particular section of your code.

Throwable: Introduced in PHP 7, the Throwable interface encompasses both Exception and Error. This means that any object that implements the Throwable interface can be caught in a try-catch block. It broadens the scope of error handling to include both traditional exceptions and fatal errors that could previously crash the application.

Key Differences:

  • Exception is used for user-defined and system-generated errors that can be caught and handled gracefully.
  • Throwable is a broader interface that includes Error, making it possible to catch fatal errors (e.g., memory allocation failures or undefined function calls) alongside exceptions.

When to Use Exception

Exception is commonly used for conditions that a developer might expect and can recover from, such as invalid input data, failed database connections, or missing files. Here are scenarios where you should use Exception:

1. Handling Application-Specific Errors

When developing complex applications, exceptions are a powerful tool to manage errors in a controlled manner. By defining custom exception classes, you can represent specific types of issues within your application.


class InvalidUserInputException extends Exception {}

function validateInput($data) {
    if (empty($data)) {
        throw new InvalidUserInputException("Input cannot be empty");

In this case, InvalidUserInputException is thrown when the data is missing. This helps distinguish different error types and enables you to handle each error appropriately.

2. Dealing with External Resources

Operations that interact with external systems, such as databases or APIs, often fail due to network issues or system overloads. When these failures occur, throwing an exception allows you to catch and respond to the problem without causing the entire application to crash.


try {
    $db = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", "user", "password");
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    throw new Exception("Database connection failed: " . $e->getMessage());

In this example, if the database connection fails, a descriptive exception is thrown, which can be logged or handled gracefully.

3. Enforcing Business Logic

Exceptions are also useful for enforcing business rules within your application. For instance, if a user attempts to perform an action they are not authorized to do, you can throw an exception to block the action and notify the system.


class UnauthorizedActionException extends Exception {}

function performAdminAction($user) {
    if (!$user->isAdmin()) {
        throw new UnauthorizedActionException("User is not authorized to perform this action.");

This kind of error handling ensures that your application enforces access controls and other business logic consistently.

When to Use Throwable

While Exception is best used for situations that your code can recover from, Throwable is designed to catch a broader range of issues, including both Exceptions and Errors. Here’s when you should consider using Throwable:

1. Catching Fatal Errors

Prior to PHP 7, fatal errors such as undefined functions or memory allocation issues would crash your application. With Throwable, you can catch these fatal errors and handle them more gracefully, preventing application crashes.


try {
    undefinedFunction();  // This would normally cause a fatal error
} catch (Throwable $t) {
    echo "Caught a fatal error: " . $t->getMessage();

This approach ensures that your application continues running or logs the error instead of crashing outright.

2. Global Error Handling

If you want to create a global error handler for all types of exceptions and errors in your application, Throwable is the interface to use. This enables you to catch both recoverable and fatal errors in one place.


set_exception_handler(function (Throwable $t) {
    error_log("Unhandled error: " . $t->getMessage());
    echo "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.";

With this handler in place, any uncaught errors or exceptions that implement Throwable will be logged and the user will see a generic error message, protecting the internal workings of your application.

Exception vs. Throwable: Best Practices

1. Use Exception for Business Logic Errors

For recoverable errors that are part of the expected flow of your application, such as user validation or network timeouts, continue to use Exception. This allows you to handle specific error conditions and maintain control over the user experience.

2. Use Throwable for Fatal Errors

When dealing with lower-level errors that are beyond your control, such as system memory issues or fatal runtime errors, use Throwable. This ensures your application won’t crash unexpectedly and gives you a chance to log or manage these critical errors.

3. Centralize Error Handling

By leveraging Throwable, you can centralize error handling with a custom handler that captures all unhandled exceptions and errors, ensuring your application behaves predictably even when things go wrong.


set_exception_handler(function (Throwable $t) {
    echo "A system error occurred.";

This handler provides a consistent response to users, even in the case of fatal errors, while allowing the system to log or handle them internally.


Both Exception and Throwable play important roles in PHP error handling. Use Exception to manage application-specific errors that can be recovered from, and use Throwable to catch critical errors and improve the stability of your PHP applications. By understanding when to use each and applying best practices, you’ll be able to create more resilient, maintainable, and user-friendly systems.