Understanding Database Relationships in Laravel: Association, Aggregation, and Composition

In object-oriented programming and relational database design, relationships between entities are fundamental. These relationships, such as association, aggregation, and composition, define how different entities (or objects) interact with each other and how they manage their lifecycle dependencies. Laravel, a popular PHP framework, offers powerful tools through Eloquent ORM and migrations to define and manage these relationships efficiently.

In this blog post, we will discuss association, aggregation, and composition using practical examples from Laravel migrations. We'll explain how these relationships work, how to implement them, and when to use each one in your application design.

Introduction to Object-Oriented Relationships

In object-oriented programming (OOP) and relational database management, relationships between entities are essential for modeling real-world interactions. Laravel, through its Eloquent ORM, provides a convenient and flexible way to manage these relationships in the database.

The three most common types of relationships between entities are:

  • Association: A simple, loosely coupled relationship where two entities can exist independently but are related.
  • Aggregation: One entity is composed of other entities, but their lifecycles are independent.
  • Composition: A strong form of association where one entity cannot exist without the other.

In this post, we'll walk through examples of how to implement these relationships using database migrations in Laravel.

Association in Laravel: Loose Relationships Between Entities

What is Association?

Association represents a loose relationship between two entities, where both can exist independently, but they are linked in a certain context. For instance, an Employee and a Department can have an association, but neither depends on the other for its existence. Employees can exist without departments, and departments can exist without employees, but the association allows them to relate.

In Laravel, this type of relationship is usually modeled through foreign keys, where one entity holds a reference to the other.

Example: Association Between Employees and Departments

Let’s model a simple association between an employees table and a departments table. In this case, an employee can belong to a department, but the lifecycle of the employee and department is independent.

Migration for Employees and Departments

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class CreateTableEmployees extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('employees', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->uuid('department_id')->nullable();  // Foreign key to departments

            // Defining foreign key relationship
            $table->foreign('department_id')->references('id')->on('departments')->onDelete('set null');

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

In this example:

  • The employees table references the departments table using the department_id foreign key.
  • The relationship is optional because an employee can exist without being assigned to a department (nullable() field).
  • If a department is deleted, the department_id is set to null for any related employees (onDelete('set null')), ensuring that employees continue to exist independently.

Key Points About Association:

  • Loose coupling: Entities can exist independently.
  • Foreign key: A foreign key (department_id) links the two entities but does not imply ownership.
  • Lifecycle independence: Neither entity depends on the other for its existence.

Aggregation in Laravel: Grouping Entities Together

What is Aggregation?

Aggregation is a relationship where one entity is composed of other entities, but the entities can still exist independently of one another. In this type of relationship, the aggregated entities are considered part of the main entity but have their own lifecycles.

For example, a Project can have multiple Tasks. The tasks are part of the project, but they can exist independently even if the project is deleted. Aggregation is often used when the child entities can exist outside the scope of the parent entity.

Example: Aggregation Between Projects and Tasks

Let’s look at how we would model an aggregation relationship between a projects table and a tasks table. A project can have multiple tasks, but tasks can also exist without a project.

Migration for Projects and Tasks

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class CreateTableTasks extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('tasks', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->uuid('project_id')->nullable();  // Foreign key to projects

            // Defining foreign key relationship
            $table->foreign('project_id')->references('id')->on('projects')->onDelete('set null');

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

In this example:

  • The tasks table references the projects table through the project_id foreign key.
  • Tasks can exist without a project (nullable()), and if the project is deleted, the project_id is set to null.
  • This represents an aggregation relationship because the tasks are part of the project but can exist independently.

Key Points About Aggregation:

  • Independent lifecycle: Tasks can exist without the project.
  • Group relationship: Tasks are logically part of the project, but they aren’t tightly coupled.
  • Foreign key: The project_id foreign key associates tasks with projects but doesn't make tasks dependent on projects.

Composition in Laravel: Strong Dependency Between Entities

What is Composition?

Composition is a strong form of relationship where the child entity cannot exist independently of the parent entity. If the parent entity is deleted, the child entities are also deleted. Composition implies ownership, meaning that the child entities are tightly coupled to the parent entity.

For instance, a Company may have multiple Departments, but if the company is deleted, its departments should also be deleted because they cannot exist without the company.

Example: Composition Between Companies and Departments

Let’s model a composition relationship between a companies table and a departments table. In this case, a department is tightly coupled to the company it belongs to, and if the company is deleted, its departments must also be deleted.

Migration for Companies and Departments

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class CreateTableDepartments extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('departments', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->uuid('company_id');  // Foreign key to companies

            // Defining foreign key relationship with cascading delete

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

In this example:

  • The departments table references the companies table with the company_id foreign key.
  • If the company is deleted, all associated departments are automatically deleted (onDelete('cascade')).
  • This relationship is modeled as composition because the departments cannot exist without the company.

Key Points About Composition:

  • Strong dependency: Departments cannot exist without the company.
  • Cascading delete: When the company is deleted, the related departments are also deleted.
  • Tight coupling: The entities are tightly bound, implying ownership and strong dependency.

Practical Examples in Real-World Applications

To better understand when to use association, aggregation, or composition, consider the following real-world scenarios:

Scenario 1: Associating Employees and Departments

  • Context: In a company, employees may belong to a department, but the lifecycle of an employee is independent of the department.
  • Relationship Type: Association (loose relationship).
  • Outcome: If a department is deleted, the employees remain in the system but with a null department reference.

Scenario 2: Aggregating Projects and Tasks

  • Context: A project can have multiple tasks. While tasks are part of a project, they can exist independently and may be reassigned to other projects.
  • Relationship Type: Aggregation (grouping relationship).
  • Outcome: If a project is deleted, its tasks remain, but the project reference is removed.

Scenario 3: Composing Companies and Departments

  • Context: A company has multiple departments, and the departments cannot exist without the company. If the company shuts down, all departments must be deleted as well.
  • Relationship Type: Composition (strong dependency).
  • Outcome: If a company is deleted, all associated departments are automatically deleted through cascading delete, ensuring that no orphaned departments exist without a company.

Choosing Between Association, Aggregation, and Composition

Understanding when to use association, aggregation, or composition depends on the relationships and dependencies between the entities in your system. Here’s how to choose between them:

1. Use Association When:

  • You want to link two entities that can exist independently.
  • There’s no strict dependency between the entities.
  • Example: Employees associated with departments where employees can still exist without belonging to any department.

2. Use Aggregation When:

  • One entity groups other entities together, but the grouped entities can exist independently.
  • The parent entity and child entities can have their own lifecycles.
  • Example: Projects that aggregate tasks, where tasks can still exist if the project is deleted.

3. Use Composition When:

  • You need a strong dependency where one entity cannot exist without the other.
  • The child entity’s lifecycle is tied to the parent entity.
  • Example: Companies and departments, where the deletion of the company must also remove all departments.

Advantages of Defining Relationships Properly

1. Data Integrity

Defining relationships such as aggregation and composition helps ensure data integrity. For example, if you implement cascading deletes in a composition relationship, you prevent orphaned records that could clutter your database.

2. Maintainability

When relationships are defined clearly, it’s easier to manage and maintain your application. Developers can easily understand how different parts of the system interact, reducing the chance of errors.

3. Efficiency

By choosing the right relationship, you ensure that the system runs efficiently. For example, using association in scenarios where entities don’t need to be tightly coupled prevents unnecessary dependencies.

4. Flexibility

By using aggregation and association where appropriate, you give your system the flexibility to evolve. Child entities can be reused or reassigned without tightly coupling them to their parents.

Example Code: Defining Eloquent Relationships

Laravel’s Eloquent ORM provides methods for defining relationships between models. Below are examples for defining the relationships based on association, aggregation, and composition:

1. Association (Employee-Department Example)

In the Employee model:

class Employee extends Model
    public function department()
        return $this->belongsTo(Department::class);

In the Department model:

class Department extends Model
    public function employees()
        return $this->hasMany(Employee::class);

2. Aggregation (Project-Task Example)

In the Project model:

class Project extends Model
    public function tasks()
        return $this->hasMany(Task::class);

In the Task model:

class Task extends Model
    public function project()
        return $this->belongsTo(Project::class);

3. Composition (Company-Department Example)

In the Company model:

class Company extends Model
    public function departments()
        return $this->hasMany(Department::class);

In the Department model:

class Department extends Model
    public function company()
        return $this->belongsTo(Company::class);

Conclusion: Mastering Relationships in Laravel

Understanding and implementing relationships like association, aggregation, and composition is critical to designing a well-structured and maintainable system in Laravel. Each type of relationship serves a different purpose:

  • Association models loosely coupled entities that can exist independently.
  • Aggregation groups entities together but maintains independence between parent and child.
  • Composition ties entities together in a way that they cannot exist without one another.

Choosing the correct relationship structure for your database design ensures data integrity, maintainability, and flexibility in your Laravel applications.