Stop Overengineering: The Pitfalls of Unnecessary Complexity in Code

Stop Overengineering: The Pitfalls of Unnecessary Complexity in Code
Photo by Red Zeppelin / Unsplash

In the world of software development, overengineering is an all-too-common trap. Developers, especially those who are less experienced, often believe that complexity and an abundance of abstractions are signs of good coding. However, more often than not, excessive use of object-oriented programming (OOP) principles or functional programming paradigms leads to bloated, obfuscated codebases that are hard to maintain and understand. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the dangers of overengineering, why it happens, and how to avoid it.

What Is Overengineering?

Overengineering refers to the practice of adding unnecessary complexity to a solution. This can take many forms, from creating excessive abstractions and interfaces to implementing overly complex design patterns for simple tasks. The result is a codebase that’s harder to navigate, harder to maintain, and far more fragile than necessary.

At its core, overengineering happens when developers try to anticipate future needs that may never arise or when they attempt to adhere too strictly to certain coding principles without considering the practicality of the solution. While it’s important to write scalable and maintainable code, there’s a balance that must be struck between simplicity and flexibility.

The Problem with Overengineering

When a codebase is overengineered, it becomes a maze of abstractions and unnecessary complexity. Developers can spend hours navigating through layers of code just to understand a simple business logic or trace where a piece of data is coming from. Instead of focusing on delivering value to users, teams get bogged down by the complexities of their own code.

Here are some of the major issues that arise from overengineering:

1. Difficult to Navigate Code

One of the most immediate issues with overengineered code is how difficult it becomes to navigate. Instead of finding the logic right where it’s expected, developers may need to jump through multiple files, interfaces, and abstract classes just to find out where a specific function is defined. This leads to wasted time and frustration, particularly for new team members who are unfamiliar with the codebase.

2. Bloated and Hard to Maintain

When too many abstractions are introduced, even the smallest change can ripple through a codebase, requiring multiple updates in different areas. This bloating makes it harder to maintain the code over time. A change that should be straightforward, like updating a method to read a file, can become a tedious task if the method is buried behind layers of interfaces and factories.

3. Obfuscation of Business Logic

Overengineering often results in burying the core business logic beneath layers of unnecessary complexity. The real value of a system lies in its ability to solve business problems, but overcomplicated code can obscure this logic. Instead of seeing clearly how a system works, developers are left trying to untangle webs of abstractions and design patterns.

4. Longer Development Time

The more complex a system becomes, the longer it takes to develop and test. Developers end up spending more time writing and maintaining unnecessary code rather than delivering real features. This can slow down the overall velocity of a team and lead to missed deadlines, all while adding little to no value.

Examples of Overengineering

Let’s look at some concrete examples of overengineering in software development to better understand how it manifests.

1. Excessive Use of Abstractions

Suppose a developer is tasked with creating a function that reads a file. Instead of simply writing a function to read the file, they decide to create a complex hierarchy of classes and interfaces:

  • An IFileReader interface
  • An AbstractFileReader class
  • A TextFileReader class
  • A BinaryFileReader class
  • A FileReaderFactory to instantiate the correct file reader based on the file type

This is a classic case of overengineering. If the current requirement is to read a single file, all of this additional abstraction is unnecessary. A simple function would suffice. Only when the need arises for handling multiple file types or formats would it make sense to refactor the solution to handle additional complexity.

2. Overuse of Functional Programming Constructs

Functional programming is a powerful paradigm, but it can also lead to overengineering when used unnecessarily. For example, instead of writing a simple function to sum three numbers:

const sum = (x, y, z) => x + y + z;

A developer might create a series of higher-order functions and currying patterns:

const sum = x => y => z => x + y + z;

While this may be a fun exercise in functional programming, it unnecessarily complicates a simple task. Functional purity isn’t always the best solution, especially when it leads to code that’s harder to read and maintain.

Avoiding Overengineering: Practical Steps

Overengineering doesn’t happen overnight. It often creeps into codebases as developers try to anticipate future needs or apply overly complex solutions to simple problems. The good news is that with awareness and discipline, it’s possible to avoid falling into the overengineering trap.

Here are some practical steps to avoid overengineering in your projects:

1. Focus on Current Requirements

One of the main reasons for overengineering is trying to write code that is “future-proof.” However, you cannot predict the future. Instead, focus on solving the current problem at hand. If future requirements change, you can refactor the code as needed. There’s nothing wrong with refactoring; in fact, it’s a normal part of software development.

Start with the simplest solution that works for the current requirements. If the requirements expand in the future, then refactor to accommodate those new needs. This way, you avoid adding unnecessary complexity upfront.

2. Favor Simple, Readable Code

Remember that simple code is often the best code. When in doubt, prioritize readability over cleverness. Code is written once but read many times — by yourself and by others. Avoid complex design patterns, overuse of inheritance, and excessive use of lambdas or callbacks unless they truly add value.

Ask yourself: Will this code be easy to read and maintain six months from now? If not, consider simplifying your approach.

3. Don’t Abstract Too Early

While abstraction is a powerful tool, it should be used judiciously. Avoid abstracting your code too early, especially if you don’t yet know whether you’ll need that level of flexibility. Copy-pasting some code is often okay in the early stages of a project. If you notice that a pattern is repeating itself, that’s the time to consider refactoring and creating abstractions.

Premature abstraction leads to code that’s more difficult to maintain and understand. Let patterns emerge naturally over time, and then refactor when the need for abstraction becomes clear.

4. Keep Frameworks and Libraries Under Control

Another way developers overengineer systems is by over-relying on third-party frameworks or libraries, especially ones that aren’t essential to the core functionality of the application. Before introducing a new framework or library, carefully evaluate whether it provides enough value to justify the added complexity.

Be particularly cautious with frameworks that are difficult to remove once they’ve been integrated. Some frameworks can spread throughout your codebase, making them hard to isolate and replace. Instead, opt for lightweight libraries and tools that solve specific problems without overcomplicating the overall system.

5. Ensure Observability in Event-Driven Systems

In event-driven architectures, one of the biggest challenges is ensuring observability — being able to trace where events originate and how they propagate through the system. Without proper observability tools, it can be difficult to debug issues in event-driven systems, leading to more complex workarounds.

Ensure that you have proper logging and tracing in place to monitor event flows. This will help you track down the source of any issues without adding unnecessary complexity to your system.


Overengineering is a common pitfall in software development, but it’s one that can be avoided with a focus on simplicity and practicality. By keeping code simple, focusing on current requirements, and refactoring as needed, developers can avoid the trap of creating overly complex, bloated systems.

Remember: you don’t need to create a system that is “future-proof” from day one. Start small, solve the current problem, and let your code evolve as your project grows. By doing so, you’ll keep your codebase lean, readable, and maintainable, ensuring long-term success.

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