Optimizing IT Team Task Management with Scrumban: A Practical Guide to My IT Team Board

Scrum has become a staple in many organizations, particularly in the tech world, for managing projects and fostering collaboration. However, despite its popularity, I’ve found that Scrum, in its entirety, doesn’t always fit my working style or the needs of my team. That said, there are certain elements of Scrum — what I like to call the "rites" of Scrum — that I find valuable and incorporate into our regular workflow. These practices help us maintain structure and promote continuous improvement without the rigidity that often accompanies a full Scrum implementation.

The Standup: Daily Alignment Without the Formalities

One of the most well-known practices from Scrum is the daily standup. The concept is simple: every team member answers three questions — What did you do yesterday? What will you do today? Are there any blockers?

While I appreciate the idea behind daily standups, I prefer to keep them less formal. In my experience, the traditional standup can sometimes feel like a box-ticking exercise, especially when it becomes repetitive or too rigid. Instead, I use daily check-ins as an opportunity for the team to align on priorities and surface any issues that need immediate attention. These sessions are brief and focused, encouraging open communication without the pressure to stick to a strict script.

Retrospectives: Reflecting and Improving, But Only When It Matters

Retrospectives are another rite of Scrum that I’ve embraced, but with some modifications. The idea of regularly reflecting on what went well, what didn’t, and what can be improved is crucial for continuous improvement. However, I don’t hold retrospectives after every sprint or at a set interval. Instead, we conduct them when there’s a clear need — after completing a major project, resolving a significant issue, or when team dynamics have shifted.

This approach allows retrospectives to remain meaningful rather than becoming just another recurring meeting. When we do hold retrospectives, they are collaborative and action-oriented, focusing on tangible changes we can make to improve our processes and work environment.

Task Boards: Visualizing Workflows Without the Scrum Labels

One of the strengths of Scrum is its emphasis on visualizing work through task boards. While I don’t adhere to the strict columns and rules of a Scrum board, I do find value in using a visual task board to track our work.

My task board is more of a hybrid, blending elements of Kanban with the organization of Scrum. It includes columns like Backlog, To-Do, In Progress, Code Review, Testing, and Done. This setup allows the team to see at a glance where each task stands, what’s coming up next, and where bottlenecks might occur. The flexibility of this approach means we can adapt the board as needed, adding or removing columns based on the project’s requirements rather than adhering to a fixed Scrum structure.

Sprint Planning: Adapting the Ritual to Fit Our Flow

Traditional Scrum involves sprint planning at the start of every iteration, where the team commits to a set of tasks to complete within the sprint. While this can be useful, I’ve found that strict sprint planning can sometimes lead to over-commitment or unnecessary pressure.

Instead, I prefer a more fluid approach to planning. We still meet regularly to discuss priorities and assign tasks, but there’s no formal sprint duration. Tasks move through the workflow as they are completed, allowing the team to focus on delivering quality work without the artificial deadline of a sprint’s end.

This method also gives us the flexibility to pivot quickly if priorities change — a common occurrence in fast-moving projects. By focusing on continuous delivery rather than sprint commitments, we maintain momentum without the stress of meeting arbitrary deadlines.

The Definition of Done: Setting Standards Without the Dogma

In Scrum, the Definition of Done (DoD) is a key concept that ensures work meets certain criteria before it’s considered complete. I appreciate the intent behind this — setting a clear standard for quality and completeness is essential. However, I avoid turning the DoD into a rigid checklist that applies to every task.

Instead, we define what "done" means on a case-by-case basis, depending on the nature of the task. For some tasks, "done" might mean passing code review and unit tests, while for others, it could involve user acceptance testing or stakeholder approval. The key is that the team understands what "done" means for each piece of work and agrees on it upfront. This flexible approach allows us to maintain high standards without being constrained by a one-size-fits-all definition.

Communication: Borrowing from Scrum to Enhance Team Dynamics

Scrum emphasizes regular communication, not just through standups but also through sprint reviews and retrospectives. I’ve taken this principle to heart, but again, I apply it in a way that suits our team’s needs.

We have regular check-ins, but they aren’t limited to discussing the work at hand. These meetings are also opportunities to share knowledge, discuss challenges, and build a stronger team dynamic. I’ve found that fostering an environment where communication is open and frequent — without the formality of Scrum rituals — helps the team stay connected and engaged.

The Flexibility to Adapt: Making the Rites Work for Us

The beauty of adopting only the rites of Scrum is the flexibility it offers. By selecting the elements that work for us and adapting them to our workflow, we maintain the benefits of structure and collaboration without the downsides of rigidity.

For me, the most important aspect of any process is that it serves the team and the work we’re doing, not the other way around. The rites of Scrum that I’ve chosen to keep help us stay organized, improve continuously, and maintain high standards, all while allowing us the freedom to adapt and evolve our process as needed.

Conclusion: Taking What Works and Leaving the Rest

Scrum has a lot to offer, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. By focusing on the rites of Scrum that genuinely add value — like daily check-ins, retrospectives, task boards, and flexible planning — we’ve found a way to manage our work that feels natural and effective. We’ve taken what works, left the rest, and in doing so, created a workflow that suits our unique needs and fosters a productive, happy team.

If you’re like me and find that traditional Scrum doesn’t quite fit, don’t be afraid to cherry-pick the practices that work best for your team. After all, the goal is to create a process that supports your work, not to follow a methodology for the sake of it.