My First Week as a Developer: Essential Steps to Success and How I Saved My Company $100K

My First Week as a Developer: Essential Steps to Success and How I Saved My Company $100K
Photo by Benjamin Davies / Unsplash

Starting a new job as a developer can be both exciting and overwhelming. There's a lot to learn, from understanding the codebase to getting familiar with the tech stack and ecosystem. But by taking the right steps in your first week, you can set yourself up for success and even make a significant impact right from the start. In my first week at my current job, I did exactly that — by reading through the codebase and analyzing the logs, I discovered a glitch that was costing the company nearly $100,000 a year. Here’s how I did it and the key steps every developer should take when entering a new company.

1. Read the Logs: Uncovering Hidden Issues

One of the first things I did when I started my new job was to dive into the logs. Logs are an incredibly valuable resource for any developer, especially when you’re new to a company. They provide insights into how the application is running, where issues might be occurring, and what kind of errors are cropping up.

In my case, reading the logs revealed something alarming: the logs indicated that a third-party service was being used inappropriately to determine user location. This service, which was more complex and costly than needed, could have been replaced with a simple in-house geofencing implementation to achieve the same result more efficiently and cost-effectively.

By flagging this issue early on, I was able to investigate further and identify the root cause of the problem. The logs had pointed me to a glitch in the codebase, something that might have been missed by someone who wasn’t paying close attention. This experience underscored the importance of regularly reviewing logs, not just when something goes wrong, but as part of your daily routine.

2. Overview the Codebase: Understand the Foundation

Understanding the codebase is crucial when you’re new to a company. It’s the foundation upon which the entire application is built, and knowing how it’s structured will help you navigate it more effectively. In my first week, I spent a significant amount of time exploring the codebase, paying particular attention to how different modules interacted with each other and where potential problem areas might lie.

As I dug deeper into the code, I uncovered the glitch responsible for the $100K-a-year issue. It was a small, seemingly insignificant piece of code meant to determine user location using a third-party geofencing service. However, due to a logic error, the code was incorrectly relying on this external service under certain conditions, leading to unnecessary usage. This not only increased resource consumption but also resulted in significant costs due to the inefficient use of server time and bandwidth.

By taking the time to thoroughly review the codebase, I was able to identify this glitch and implement a fix. This not only improved the performance of the application but also saved the company a significant amount of money — something that wouldn’t have been possible if I hadn’t taken the time to familiarize myself with the codebase.

3. Know the Tech Stack and IT Ecosystem: Master Your Tools

Every company has its own unique tech stack and IT ecosystem. These are the tools and technologies that you’ll be working with on a daily basis, so it’s essential to get to know them as quickly as possible. In my first week, I made it a priority to familiarize myself with the tech stack, including the programming languages, frameworks, and tools that were in use.

Understanding the tech stack is about more than just knowing what technologies are being used; it’s about understanding how they work together and how they fit into the larger IT ecosystem. This includes everything from the deployment process to the monitoring tools, database management systems, and cloud services that are in use.

In my case, knowing the tech stack helped me understand how the glitch I discovered was affecting other parts of the system. It also allowed me to implement a fix that was consistent with the existing architecture, ensuring that it wouldn’t cause any new issues down the line. By mastering the tools and technologies that you’ll be working with, you can work more efficiently and effectively, and make meaningful contributions to the team.

4. Know the Product: Understand What You’re Building

It might seem obvious, but one of the most important things you can do when starting a new job is to get to know the product. Understanding the product means understanding what it does, who it’s for, and what the key features and functionalities are. This knowledge is crucial for making informed decisions as a developer and for ensuring that the work you’re doing is aligned with the company’s goals.

In my first week, I took the time to explore the product from both a user and a developer perspective. I tested out the key features, read through the documentation, and asked questions about the product’s roadmap and future development plans. This gave me a clear understanding of the product’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the pain points that users were experiencing.

This understanding was critical when it came to fixing the glitch I discovered. By knowing how the product was supposed to work, I was able to identify the impact of the glitch on the user experience and prioritize the fix accordingly. It also helped me communicate the issue to my team in a way that was clear and aligned with our overall goals.

Making an Impact in Your First Week

Looking back on my first week at my current job, I’m struck by how much of an impact you can make by following these simple steps. By reading the logs, reviewing the codebase, understanding the tech stack, and getting to know the product, I was able to identify a significant issue and implement a fix that saved the company $100K a year.

But more than that, these steps helped me integrate into the team quickly and build a strong foundation for future success. They gave me the confidence to contribute from day one and set the stage for a productive and rewarding experience in my new role.

Conclusion: Essential Steps for Every Developer

When you start a new job as a developer, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the information you need to absorb. But by focusing on a few key areas, you can hit the ground running and make a meaningful impact right from the start.

Reading the logs, reviewing the codebase, familiarizing yourself with the tech stack and IT ecosystem, and understanding the product are all essential steps that every developer should take when entering a new company. These steps will not only help you get up to speed quickly but also position you to identify issues, contribute to the team, and ultimately, help the company succeed.

In my experience, taking these steps in my first week made all the difference, and it’s an approach I would recommend to any developer starting a new job. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to making a positive impact and building a successful career in your new role.

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