A Guide to Choosing Between Singleton, Facade, and Dependency Injection in Laravel

A Guide to Choosing Between Singleton, Facade, and Dependency Injection in Laravel
Photo by Jason Leung / Unsplash

When building a service in Laravel, it’s essential to select the right design pattern for managing dependencies and creating reusable, maintainable code. Laravel provides multiple ways to achieve this, such as Singleton, Facade, and Dependency Injection. Each of these methods has its unique use cases, and understanding when to use each can make your application more efficient and easier to maintain.

Understanding the Patterns

Before diving into the specifics of each, let’s briefly define what these patterns mean:

  1. Singleton: This pattern ensures that only one instance of a class exists during the lifecycle of an application.
  2. Facade: A static interface to a class, often used to simplify interactions with complex systems.
  3. Dependency Injection: Injecting class dependencies through constructors or methods to decouple the logic and allow for greater flexibility.

Each pattern serves a specific purpose, and choosing between them depends on the requirements of your service.

When to Use Singleton

A Singleton is ideal when you want to ensure that a particular service or class only has one instance throughout the application lifecycle. Laravel supports singletons through the service container.

Use Cases for Singleton:

  • Expensive Object Initialization: If the object’s initialization process is resource-heavy, you should instantiate it only once. For example, an API client that makes network requests or a database connection handler.
  • Global State Management: When you need a shared state across various parts of your application, such as configuration settings, singletons help maintain that state in one instance.


$this->app->singleton(MyService::class, function () {
    return new MyService();


  • Efficient Resource Use: Reduces overhead by preventing multiple object instances.
  • Global Access: Useful when you need the same instance across different parts of your application.


  • Tight Coupling: It may introduce hidden dependencies and limit flexibility.
  • Difficult to Test: Unit testing becomes more challenging when objects persist across different test cases.

When to use: Opt for Singleton when you need a resource-heavy service to be instantiated only once or when managing a global state.

When to Use Facade

A Facade is a static interface to a complex system, which simplifies its usage. Laravel’s facade pattern allows you to work with an underlying service without needing to pass it around or inject it in every class.

Use Cases for Facades:

  • Simplified Syntax: When you want to interact with a class using a static method, facades can provide a cleaner, more intuitive interface.
  • Accessing Services Without Dependency Injection: Facades make it easier to call a service without having to inject it every time you need it.


use App\Facades\MyServiceFacade;



  • Convenience: Simplifies access to complex classes.
  • Readability: Makes the code cleaner by removing dependency injection boilerplate.


  • Hidden Dependencies: It can make tracing dependencies harder, as it hides the fact that you’re using Laravel’s service container behind the scenes.
  • Harder to Test: Since Facades are static, testing can be difficult, requiring special techniques to mock them.

When to use: Use Facades when you need to simplify access to a frequently used, complex service and don’t want to inject it into every class that uses it.

When to Use Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection is a pattern where you inject the required dependencies directly into a class, usually via the constructor or setter methods. Laravel’s service container resolves the dependencies automatically.

Use Cases for Dependency Injection:

  • Testable Code: When writing code that is easy to test, dependency injection ensures that you can easily mock dependencies.
  • Loose Coupling: If you want your components to be loosely coupled, dependency injection helps by passing dependencies explicitly.
  • Flexibility: With DI, you can easily swap out dependencies without modifying the underlying class.


class MyController
    protected $service;

    public function __construct(MyService $service)
        $this->service = $service;

    public function index()
        return $this->service->doSomething();


  • Testability: Easy to mock and test dependencies.
  • Flexibility: Easily swap implementations without changing the dependent class.
  • Loose Coupling: Makes code more modular and adaptable to changes.


  • Setup Overhead: You have to manually declare all dependencies, which can add extra steps when writing code.
  • Complexity: If overused, dependency injection can lead to a complicated constructor with too many parameters.

When to use: Dependency Injection is ideal when you need flexibility, testability, and loosely coupled code. It’s also great for large-scale applications where you need to swap out services easily.

Comparing the Patterns

Pattern Use Case Advantages Disadvantages
Singleton When a class should have only one instance throughout the app. Resource-efficient, Global access Tight coupling, Hard to test
Facade Simplifying access to complex services with a static interface. Clean code, Easy to use Hidden dependencies, Difficult to test
Dependency Injection Loosely coupled, testable, and flexible code structure. Testability, Modularity Setup overhead, Complex in large apps

Other Patterns to Consider

Service Providers: Laravel service providers are used to register services with the container and can help bind classes, providing flexibility in how services are instantiated.

Service Locator: Involves fetching services manually from the container. However, this is generally discouraged in favor of dependency injection, as it hides dependencies and makes testing harder.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Pattern for Your Service

When creating a service in Laravel, choosing the right design pattern can greatly impact the scalability, maintainability, and performance of your application.

  • Use Singleton when you need a single instance across the application and want to manage shared states efficiently.
  • Use Facade for simplifying interactions with complex systems and when you want cleaner code without injecting services all over.
  • Use Dependency Injection for flexibility, loose coupling, and testability, especially in large-scale applications that require modularity.

Each of these patterns has its place, and the key is to understand your specific use case and the impact that the chosen pattern will have on your overall application architecture.

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